I haven't forgot about my dear blog, I've just been quite busy the last week.
There is a lot of exciting things going on and I feel that this might lead to something inspiring in the near future. I have had a lot of plans of starting my own company. I'm still planning and thinking about it. It's scary and fun at the same time.
Last Friday there was a party at Bergab, a company where I have been the interior architect in October/November 2009. The company felt a need for someone to help them out, when their premises where renewed. Since I have a contact there, they knew who I was and wanted me to do the job! It was very exciting. I'm glad to tell you that the result was almost as good as I hoped it would be! Off course you're always the worst critic yourself - but everyone was very pleased with the result!
Next week I'm meeting another person, who might want some help with a restaurant design in Stockholm. So there are some projects coming in...Also I'm helping my parents with their own dream project on the Island of Tjörn.
Besides this I'm again working for HoF Arkitekter in Öxnered. Right now sketching a new house model for a customer. So finally there is a lot of work to be done.
In the meantime I'm keeping contact with people interested in user participation in the design process and hoping that there will be an opening in that direction soon.
Have a nice and snowy day!